Customers maintenance

The customer maintenance allows to create parameters for customers and assign services and price lists to be used.

The customer maintenance has 11 tabs.


Table of contents

A. Identification

B. Parameters

C. Services

D. Specials

E. Cubing

F. Telephone

G. Contacts

H. Pickups

I. Deliveries

J. Internet

K. Documents


A. Identification

1. Customer number

The customer number is composed of 10 alphanumeric characters.


2. Invoicing address

Complete the information of the invoicing address. The software will validate the address.


3. Default address

The pickup address entered will be inscribed by default during call taking.


4. No call allowed

Check this box if you wish for this customer account to be blocked from call taking.


5. No dispatch for this client

Check this box if calls created for this customer must not appear in the dispatch.


6. Transfer original waybill to client

Check this box if you wish to have a message upon waybill confirmation to keep them (with the intent of sending them to the client).


7. Special tracking by email

Check this box if you wish to send an email to the provided address every time a call is created for this client.


8. Send waybill by email on call

Check this option if you wish for the waybill to be sent at the provided address during call taking in ProgressionExpress. If no email address has been provided, it will be asked during call taking and kept in the contact.


9. Send waybill by fax with an email

Check this option if you wish for the waybill to be sent to the provided address during call taking in ProgressionExpress. If no email address has been provided, it will be asked during call taking and kept in the contact. We use the PrestoFax  to send the fax to the customer.


10. Invoicing - By call

Check this box if you wish to create an invoice for each confirmed waybill.


11. Invoicing - Exempt minimum charge

Check this box if you don't wish for the minimum charge (in "maintenance control") to be applied to the client.


12. Invoicing - Add postal charges to invoice

Check this box if you wish for the postal charges (entered in "maintenance control") to be applied to this client if the invoice is sent by post.


13. Invoicing - Print delivery zone UPS on invoice

Check this box if you wish to print the UPS delivery zone on the invoice.


14. Invoicing - Link to documents in the message

Check this box if the invoice sent to the client are to voluminous.


15. Invoicing - Print waybill with invoice

Check this box if you wish to print the waybill with the invoice.


16. Invoicing - Print scanned document with invoice

Check this box if you wish to print the scanned documents with the invoice.


17. Invoicing - Merge invoices sent by email

The merged client is the one who is invoiced all the waybill of the other clients in the merged account. Enter if this is the case, the number of the grouped customer.


18. Invoicing - Page break by reference code on invoice

Check this option if you wish to insert a page break at each reference code.


19. Invoicing - Print summary by reference

Check this option if you wish to print a page with the total for each reference.


20. Salesma number

Enter the salesman number if needed.


21. External Account

Enter the external account number if you have an external accounting software (ie: Acomba).


22. EDI account

Enter the EDI account number if you have that option.


23. Discount volume in the invoice

You can calculate a discount to the invoice per the criterion entered in this table.


24. Credit limit

If need be, enter the customer's credit limit. A message will be displayed during call taking if the customer exceeds his credit limit, but won't prevent the call taking.


25. Interest code

Enter 1 if you wish for an interest calculation to be added to the accounting statement.


26. Invoicing code

Chose the invoicing frequency for the client.


27. C.O.D. charge %

Enter the C.O.D. percentage and amount if they differ from the maintenance control.


28. % Rate adjustement

Enter the % rate adjustment to be added during invoice creation. The % is calculated on the sub-total of the invoice.


29. Fuel code

Enter the fuel code if you wish a specific fuel surcharge rate for this customer.


30. Fuel code - Exempt

Check this box if you don't wish to calculate the fuel surcharge for that customer's calls.


31. Fuel code - Base amount

Check this box if you wish for the fuel surcharge to only apply on the base amount for all of the client's calls.


32. Round trip - Factor multiplier

By default, on a trip round, the calls cost is doubled. If the factor is different for this client, enter it in this field.


33. Route - % Admin rate

If the route module is used for this customer, you can add administration rate for invoicing. The % is calculated on the sub-total of the invoice.


34. Taxable (GST, PST and HST)

By default, leave the values at Yes, unless this customers is exempt from taxes calculation (for example, another transporter).


35. Statements

Check Yes if you wish for an account statement to be generated during account statement and indicate the mean of sending.


36. Invoice format

Indicate the format of invoice, either complete for all call information or short for one line per call.


37. Statements sent by

Indicate the sending mode for the account statement, when the email option is selected, the email address is mandatory in the invoicing section.


38. Invoice format

Indicate the sending mean of the invoice. When the email option is selected, the email address is mandatory in the invoicing section.


39. Remarks

The information entered in this field will be displayed during customer interrogation and during cashing.


40. Notes

The information entered in this field are only visible in this maintenance.

B. Parameters

1. Default service number
If you enter no service, the software will ask the service upon calls creation. Otherwise, it will indicate the service entered in this field by default.


2. Language code
Enter the language code for the customer for invoice printing.


3. Pack type
Enter the pack type by default during call taking.


4. Payment type
Enter the default payment type during call taking.


5. LTL service if maximum
If values are entered in these fields, the software will offer to changer the service if maximums are reached.


6. Entry of worked hours

If you have this function (optional ProgressionExpress module), enter the service number and code for other charges for the invoicing of worked hours.


7. Other charges
Enter the description and amount of the other charges that will automatically added to the entered calls.


8. Credit card (Informational only)
Enter the customer's credit card information.


9. Specials instructions
Enter, if need be, the special instructions to be added to all calls created for this customer. These information will be displayed to sub-contractors and can be printed on the invoice.


10. Delivery address notes
Enter, if need be, the delivery information to be displayed during call taking. These information are visible only on internal call taking.


11. G/L
If you wish for this customer's revenue to add up in different G/L numbers, indicate it in this section.


12. Opening hours
You can indicate the opening hours of the customer. These information will be available during call taking and dispatch.


13. Multiple deliveries
Check this box if you wish to show multiple deliveries during each call taking.


14. Round trip
Check this box if you want to offer a round trip for each call.


15. Automatic price calculation (Checked by default)
Check this box for the software to calculate the price of the delivery in real time.


16. Pickup contact required
Check this box to force pickup contact during call taking.


17. Delivery contact required
Check this box to force delivery contact during call taking.


18. Waybill required
Check this box to force the entry of a waybill number during call taking.


19. Manage delays
Check this option if you wish to force the dispatch to justify the delays of deliveries (exceeding delays) and for a delays report to then be produced.


20. Security code required

Check this box if the customer requires a security code for the sub-contractor.


21. Truck required

Check this box if the customer requires a truck delivery.


22. Dangerous goods by default

Check this box if the customer includes dangerous goods by default.


23. Signature required
Check this box if a signature is required during delivery.


24. Residential delivery by default

Check this box if the customer get residential delivery by default.


25. Oversized packages by default

Check this box if the services for the customer are oversized packages by default.


26. Additional handling by default

Check this box if this customer requires additional handling by default.


27. Hayon hydraulic required

Check this box if this customer requires the use of a hydraulic tailboard.


28. Toilage required

Check this box if the customer requires toilage.


29. Leave in mailbox if no answer by default

Check this box if you have to leave the package in the mailbox by default if the customer doesn't answer.


30. Signature not required

Check this box if you want to ignore the signature during delivery.


31. Warehouse scan
Check this box if warehouse maintenance is made for that customer.


32. Consolidate on manifest (for the transportation mode only)
Check this option to consolidate calls on a single address during delivery manifest printing.


33. Active 24/24 on internet
Check this box if the customer is active 24 hours a fay for call taking on internet. The software won't take the opening hours if this option is checked.


34. Apply discount on other delivery
Check this box so the software keeps the previous call's discount during the selection of another delivery during call taking.


35. Save addresses without contact
Check this box if you don't wish to save the name of contacts in the addresses for pickups and deliveries.


36. Save addresses without references
Check this box if you don't wish to save the reference number in the pickup and delivery address.


37. Save addresses without phone extension
Check this box if you don't wish to save the phone extension number in the pickup and delivery address.


38. Save remarks in address

Check this box if you wish to keep remarks in pickup and delivery address.


39. Address update
Select the saving mode for the address for this customer.


40. Pick up confirmation by email
Sends and email to confirm the pickup of the package.


41. Amount to collect
Enter the amount to collect by default during call taking.


42. Declared value
Enter the amount of the default declared value during call taking.


43. Grouping for search
Enter a grouping code for search and for some lists printing.


44. Reference number maintenance
Enter the rules for the working of the entering of customer's reference.

C. Service

This tab allows to define the services and price grids that will be accessible to the customers.

1. Zone
The displayed zone during the addition of a service is the one for the default customer and can be modified.


2. G/L
Enter the G/L number that you wish to use for the service if need be.


3. Fuel
Enter the fuel code that you want to use if it differ of the default one.


4. Exempt
Check this box if you wish for this service for this customer to be exempt from the fuel surcharge calculation.
5. Base
Check this box if you wish for the fuel surcharge calculation to be applied only to the base amount.


6. Discount
Enter the % discount to be calculated on the call and indicate on the amount to apply it to.


7. A/R Multiplicator
By default, the amount of the call is doubled on a round call. If the factor is different for that client and this service, enter it in this field.


8. Price grid
Enter the price grid numbers to be applied to this customer.


9. Commission
You can force a specific amount or a rate of commission for the service and the customer. If you enter a value, it will have priority.

D. Specials

We can create special prices (which will be taken into account without considering price grids) for a service, a zone or an address.
The special is applied only if the pickup address is the one entered in tab 1 of the customer maintenance.
To enter an address, click on the button for address entry.
You can copy a special from a customer to another.


Sub-contractor amount
You can force a specific commission amount or rate for the special price. If you enter a value, it will have priority.


E. Cubing

You can calculate the default cubing. It can be modified for a service, a zone or a delivery address.


F. Telephone

This tab contains the phone numbers that were entered during call taking. You can add or remove them from this tab.


G. Contacts

This tab contains the names of contacts that were entered during call taking. You can add or remove them from this tab.


H. Pickups

This tab contains the addresses of pickups entered during call taking. You can remove addresses from this tab.

I. Deliveries

This tab contains the addresses of deliveries entered during call taking. You can remove them from this tab.


J. Internet

This tab contains every internet accounts created for this customer. You can manage the accounts from this tab.


K. Booking

This tab contains the booking information for this customer.


L. Documents

This tab allows to specify a repertory for the customers. Once the repertory specified, the documents will be accessible by double-clicking on the files.