Update Android 2.16 (Google Play)
New version of our Android mobile app on Google Play !
This ProgressionLIVE Android 2.16 update is mainly about the ability to collapse the client if there is a location in a task. We update regularly to provide you with a better experience with ProgressionLIVE dispatch software.
Android 2.16 update
This update will be deployed starting September 4th, 2018.
Highlighting the intervention address
At the request of multiple users, the intervention address will now be visually highlighted in a task. We have added a mobile configuration that – when enabled – collapse the client if a location is present. (See image 1) It will now be possible to expand the customer information with the + icon. (See image 2) In addition, to facilitate the visual appearance of the intervention address, we have also enlarged the font of the location and / or customer and we have put them in bold.
Display of a task over several days
In calendar mode, a task that lasted for several days was displayed only at its start date. We have remedied this situation by posting this task on subsequent days, limiting ourselves to the next 7 days.
Adding the duration field of the task
Users who download this new version will be able to see the duration of the task, if it is greater than 0.
Bug fixes
We have fixed various bugs.
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