Here are the steps to follow to view the survey results related to a specific task.
If you have set up an automated survey for certain campaigns, you will be able to see the results related to your tasks.
When a task contains survey results, an icon appears in the task list. This icon indicates whether the results are :
positive (80% à 100%)
average (50% à 79%)
negative (0 à 49%)
When there is an envelope icon next to a task, it means that the survey has been sent to the client, but he hasn't responded yet.
The display of these icons is not simultaneous. These icons appear in the task list a few minutes after sending the survey (envelope icon) or receiving responses (faces).
To view the results of a particular task, open its file and click on the Satisfaction tab.
- In one of your campaigns, you configured an automated dispatch for Service Call type tasks as they progress to status 600 - Completed.
- When you progress a Service Call type task to status 600 - Completed, the automated survey will be triggered (after a certain delay if one is configured). The survey will then be sent to the email address found in the field configured in the automated survey (e.g., the email field of the client file).
- When the client has completed the survey, you'll see an icon next to the task.
- To view client responses and comments for this task, open the task file and click on the Satisfaction tab.
If this task type is linked to more than one campaign, the results will be separated by campaign.
In the comments section of your campaigns
Comments related to a particular task are identified by a task code. Thus, you can consult the comments of a campaign and directly open the task linked to a particular comment.