UOMA - Training Document - Transshipment and Weighing Distribution

This article provide information on the use of transshipments in ProgressionLIVE

Table of content

A. Uses

B. Solution

C. Task definition in ProgressionLIVE

D. Make a claim with transshipment integration

A. Uses

  1. The collector is making pickups.
  2. Once the truck is full, it comes to drop off its pickups in a container/dry box/trailer at the disposal site.
  3. Once the container/dry box is full, it is sent to a processor.
  4. Upon making the claim, receipt of a weighing ticket + certificate of receipt.
  5. You use this weighing ticket to request your recovery subsidy.
  6. You send the request and the UOMA pays according to the weight on the weighing ticket/certificate of receipt.
  7. Pickups associated with this container must be transferred to the UOMA


B. Solution

  1. Use of a Transshipment task type identifying the batch of pickups picked up when the collector arrives at the disposal site.
  2. Use of the data to select the pickups in the container when making the claim at the processor.
  3. Weight distribution of the certificate of receipt/weighing ticket for all the products from the selected pickups associated with the chosen container.
  4. Sends selected pickups to UOMA electronically.


C. Task definition in ProgressionLIVE

The Transshipment task identifies the pickups in a container.

Required information:

  1. The name of the collector that carried out the transshipment
  2. Type of product transshipped
  3. Container # or internal transshipment #
  4. Transshipment date and time (appointment date)


Starting the transshipment process

  1. For each collector and type of product, always start with an empty transshipment to determine when the transshipment process begins:
    1. Enter the collector
    2. Enter the date of their last transshipment
    3. Indicate the type of product 
    4. Do not enter the container number
  2. Once entered, finish the task.
  3. The collector can make their rounds as usual.
  4. Once they have returned to the disposal site, the second transshipment can be made.
  5. Enter all the required information:
    1. Transshipment date in the appointment
    2. Name of collector
    3. Product type
    4. Container number

Once saved, change the status to Finish.


D. Make a claim with transshipment integration

Once your container has been sent to the processor, use a Claim task to find the pickups that were transshipped into the container.

  1. Create the claim.
  2. Enter the required information:        
    1. Date
    2. Type of UOMA product
    3. Amount to process
    4. Processor
    5. Container #
  3. Once handled, the claim should be added to the same amount processed.
  4. The weight will be distributed to all selected pickups.

Important: If you are already using the system, it is important that the transshipment does not contain partially processed pickups.

All that remains is to put the supporting documents in the claim Attachment tab to finish the claim to be sent to the UOMA.